22/09/2023 Time Travelers, Track

Palaraga – Posthuman Gods

Palaraga – Posthuman Gods

Home / Time Travelers / Palaraga – Posthuman Gods

“Posthuman Gods” transports us to a distant era where humanity has transcended the limitations of flesh and blood, evolving into beings of artificial divinity. It challenges us to ponder the trajectory of our own evolution and the ethical questions that arise as we merge with technology. What does it mean to be human in a world where our very essence is transformed?

In the intricate harmonies and transcendent rhythms of this composition, we are prompted to contemplate the words of Arthur C. Clarke: “The limits of the possible can only be defined by going beyond them into the impossible.” “Posthuman Gods” invites us to confront the boundaries of our understanding and to envision a future where the definition of humanity itself is rewritten.