“Unseen” is a mystical and enchanting track that explores the hidden magic that lies just beneath the surface of everyday life. The lyrics speak to the idea that there is more to the world than meets the eye, that within the mundane and the ordinary, there are moments of wonder waiting to be discovered. The music is haunting and ethereal, creating a sense of mystery and intrigue. It’s a song that challenges us to look beyond the obvious, to seek out the unseen forces that shape our reality, and to embrace the magic that exists in the world around us.
“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious.”
— Albert Einstein (1931)
Magic glimpsed on crowded streets
Often missed ‘neath hurried feet
You may not see it’s always there
Each ember’s spark, each whispered prayer
It’s the wrong world, with the right twist
Though the spell is often hidden, it exists
In the bustling streets, magic hides,
Beneath the rush, where it abides.
Unseen, yet always in the air,
Each whispered wish, each silent prayer.
A world askew, yet somehow right,
Where hidden spells embrace the night.